Lab members

Dr. Cassandra L. Swett

Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension Specialist in Vegetable and Field Crop Pathology
Department of Plant Pathology
University of California, Davis
Phone: 530-752-3377

Publications via Research Gate


Guy  Robinson

Postdoctoral Researcher

Ph.D., Plant Pathology with a Designated Emphasis in Biotechnology, University of California, Davis
B.S., Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis


Areas of interest: Bioinformatics, population genomics, pathogen evolution, molecular diagnostics, biotechnology.

Primary research focus: Exploring subspecies diversity in multiple Fusarium diseases and advancing diagnostic markers to enable rapid pathogen identification.


Myles Collinson

PhD Student, Western SARE Graduate Fellow

B.S Plant Sciences, Entomology, and Fungal Biology; Cornell University


Areas of interest: Fungal Ecology in Agrocroping systems. The ecological interaction of plants and microbes, and how this results in plant diseases. Working to create simple and effective mechanisms to combat plant disease; utilizing cover crops, crop rotation, and wild crop germplasm as a source for disease tolerance.  Helping growers with disease issues in an effort to produce better food sources for all.


Annika Briggs

Masters Student
Education: B.S. in Biology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver


Areas of interest: Plant-microbe interactions, soilborne plant disease management strategies, microbial interactions relating to disease outcomes, fungal disease ecology, investigation of potential biological control agents, diagnostics

Primary research focus: Developing an understanding of Fusarium Basal Rot (FBR) epidemiology in garlic to identify targets for management


Kacey Zimmerman

Masters Student
Education: B.S. in Cell Biology, Minor in Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity, UC Davis


Areas of interest: Fungal biology and ecology, soilborne plant disease, plant-microbe interactions, disease management, diagnostics


Laurel Schmidt

Junior Specialist
Education: B.S. in Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity, UC Davis
Areas of interest: Plant-fungal symbiosis, fungal ecology, plant pathogen biology, role of environment in pathogen behavior, molecular ID tool development

Primary research focus: Population biology of soil-borne pathogens in diverse crops.

Jarret Rose

Post-Bac Research Intern


Diagnostics interns
  • Jarret Rose 
Research interns
  • Ayaat Quazi <>
  • Curran Neely <>
  • Aydin Linzey <>
  • Brianna Stankus <>
Current undergraduate student technicians
  • Ayaat Quazi <>
  • Emily Bedell <>
  • Indiana Waterman <>
  • Sofia Behrman <>
  • Curran Neely <>
  • Natalie Miller <>
  • Alyssa Cerda <>
  • Natalie Chavira <>
  • Aninditha Keshavan <>
  • Anna Weires <>
  • Aydin Linzey <>
  • Brianna Stankus <>
  • Urmika Balaji <>
Swett lab affiliates

Dr. Ningxiao Li

Swett lab affiliate- Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Jointly advised by Frank Martin and Dave Geiser Email:

Ph.D., Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania State University


Past Members

Justine Beaulieu (APHIS), Alexandria Zeen, Logan Kunkel, Kyle Chipman, Ben Baldi, Lauren Wallace, Ashley Brown, Claire Theberge , Sarah Suriano, Emmet Cuyler, Anne-Marie Yang, John Kelleher, Ashly Lord, Anna Catia Erichsen, Kathy Nguyen, Ashley Bahena, Isabelle Jacobsen, Jaylah Davis, Yige Chen, Kelley Paugh (Professor of Cooperative Extension, Clemson University), Eda Ceviker, Edeline Anthoniraj, Johanna Del Castillo (Professor of Cooperative Extension, University of California, Davis), Hannah Josifek, Fernando Rodriguez, Pavani Ganju, Faris Alzergani, Natasia Selvidge, Ryan Chau, Maya Michels, Alyssa Brackrog, Emma Centeno, Aimee Hopkins, Megan McCaghey (Professor of Soil Borne Fungi, Univeristy of Minnesotta), Mariana Suguieda, Daisy Huang, Ana Calderon, Beth Hellman, Merissa Washalaski, Kelly Flores, Anni Divney, Alma Orellana, Megan Kozel, Harrison Powell, Jesica Calderon, Elver Lopez Raymundo, Cooper Calvin, Gregory Sugawara, Mrinalini Narayan, Alicja Bednarska, Melanie Belk, Karla Espinoza, Erin Helpio, Heather Johnson, Andi Bourquin, Emily Hain, Rino Oguchi, Alexa Soto, Sydnie Koontz, Nyny Vu

Past Visitors

Sophia Callahan (University of Melbourne)