Fusarium pathogen ecology and management-tomatoes

Crop rotation to reduce persistence of soil-borne Fusarium pathogens of tomato

Crop rotation studies underway for several Fusarium pathogens aim to inform crop selection and rotation duration, and to provide decision support tools for soil detection. This work combines studies of survival biology, cryptic host ecology, infection biology and soil sampling and testing.

Funded projects:

Fusarium wilt race 3 of tomato

Fusarium falciforme–a poorly understood pathogen in annual cropping systems

Crop rotation to reduce persistence of soil-borne Fusarium pathogens of tomato

Genetic resistance and tolerance screenings are a major emphasis for emerging and expanding pathogens, including Fusarium wilt race 3 and F. falciforme. This includes screening of both commercial and private lines in collaboration with seed companies, screening of wild lines, and testing of resistance gene stability under stress.

Funded projects

Fusarium falciforme–a poorly understood pathogen in annual cropping systems

Fusarium wilt race 3 of tomato

Pathogenomic approaches to develop diagnosis and detection tools for Fusarium pathogens