2024 Disease Diagnosis and Management Field Day

2024 Vegetable Disease Field Day-Tomatoes and rotations

When: August 20, 2024, 7:50-12:30

Where:  UC Davis Plant Pathology Field Station

1089 Old Davis Rd, Davis, CA, 95616 (38°31’23.9″N 121°45’25.6″W).


Updates on emerging diseases in tomatoes and other crops, including and Fusarium wilt race 4

Broomrape identification, impacted crops, and progress on in-field management options

Sanitation methods to minimize spread of broomrape and other soil-borne pests on tomato harvesters and other equipment

Differentiation of two “F. falciforme” diseases of tomato: foot rot (F. falciforme) and stem rot and decline (F. noneumartii, F. martii)

 Fusarium stem rot and decline management: crop rotation and cultivar management tools

Fusarium falciforme–a weak pathogen of tomato is an important pathogen of melons and beans

Root knot nematode–resistance breaking and management

Southern blight–management options in review

How stress affects vine decline diseases: salinity and deficit irrigation case studies


English session: $85/person (CE/UCD academics free)

Link to registration: coming soon

Continuing Education Credits (pending)

CEUs: Integrated Pest Management: 2

Field day booklet